Wednesday, March 26, 2008

comparing letters

In comparing the two letters written by Martin Luther King Jr. and Barak Obama, it’s hard for me to understand what Martin Luther King jr. is bringing to the table, because I didn’t grow up in those times, and therefore don’t know how things exactly were. On the other hand Barak Obama’s letter is much more involved in my life. All of the current problems with racism are seen every day. Two very clear differences I can see in both letters are that they are talking from different viewpoints. Barak Obama is speaking mainly about his, along with his families struggle to come up in a world, with racism lingering and less apparent. In Martin Luther King Junior’s case, he is speaking more on the behalf of the entire nation of African Americans.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

spring break

Before spring break even began Derek knew it would be a fun week off of school. Although he didn't do much, he still had a great time hanging out with his closest friends. Over break, Derek and his friends tended to hang out around one of their homes at one time. They would watch TV, play games, or relax in the jacuzzi. Nearly everyday, in the afternoon, they would head to the gym to work out for a few hours. The days they didn't go to the gym, they made up by going on long bike rides. He didn't spend much time away from his friends, so they would do just about everything together. Except for one night he went to the Minnesota Wild hockey game with his dad. He had a great time watching the sport he loved the most. Derek's spring break might not appeal to others, but to him, its all he wanted.

Friday, March 7, 2008

2nd paper

I haven't started doing anything yet for my paper.  All I have really done is think of a topic.  I chose the topic i did, because it is the section my mass communication class is in.  I found it somewhat interesting, so i decided to do my paper on it.  I plan on starting and finishing my rough draft over spring break

Monday, March 3, 2008

a modest proposal

Jonathan Swifts "a modest proposal" seemed kind of out there to me. All this talk about higher class people eating infants for meals. I had just never heard anything like it. While reading the essay, it was a bit difficult to understand what he was trying to propose, or what side he was even on. But when I read the final conclusion, I figured out that he was against the eating children for dinner, and for the common good of society. The essay kind of hit me as he was trying to preach what he believed. Like he was trying to get people to see the proper side to life.