Monday, January 28, 2008

cold days

I'm not too fond of bitter cold days, mainly because your not able to do anything productive outside. If it's really cold out, it usually means that it's somewhat cold in the dorm rooms. If it is cold in my room I refuse to get up, and leave the warmth of my bed. Some nights we will leave the window open just because the dorms get so hot, but I always end up closing it sometime in the night. To bear the bitter tundra, I would usually put on a stocking cap and gloves, so i don't get frost bitten, which happened already. I try to stay away from my car, because when it's cold, parts are more likely to break, and it take a long time to warm up. On cold days there is one thing that I like to do outside, and that is skate. All of my life I have played hockey, and to pass up good outdoor ice is like denying free ice cream.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It's somewhat hard for me to single out just one song to write about, but if i had too it would be "BBQ Stain" by Tim McGraw. Over the past few years I really started to get into country music. If I could think of one reason why, I would have to look towards my friends. Back home I have different friends in different clicks. I mean there is the rock click, rap click, and the country click. And for some reason I would always find myself wanting to spend the majority of my time with my friends from the country click. I don't really know why, it must have just stuck with me. It seemed to just help keep me centered and happy. Now that I spend most of my time at college. I find there is a lot of free time, so i spend mine listening to country music.

The lyrics from "BBQ Stain" tend to remind me of all of the good times I had growing up with friends, during summer. I like how the time frame of the song relates to my certain age group, and how life tends to be. The song talks about seeing a special looking girl at a fair, but nothing seemed to come of it. Later on in life they see each other on a plane heading down to Marti gras. I like it because it ends right there, so you don't really know what happens after so it gets you thinking.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Favorite Place

It's kind of hard for me think of my favorite place, because I have been to so many cool places. If I had to choose I would pick Jamaica. I was in fifth grade, and it was my first long trip away from home. I would have to admit I was a bit afraid of flying over the ocean for the first time. I went down with my immediate family accompanied by close family, and family friends. On the way down the plane ride was frightening to me, but after awhile I became used to it. The entire trip was amazing, other than the incredible sun burn I received. Down there, there were some many activities to choose from like, the watermelon eating contest, turtle races, jet skiing, goat races, and many more. A few months prior to leaving for vacation I came down with a terrible sickness, which stayed along for the entire trip. Although it was with me, I tried to ignore it and, have have fun. If I had to choose to go anywhere in the world right now, it would be back to Jamaica.