Monday, January 28, 2008

cold days

I'm not too fond of bitter cold days, mainly because your not able to do anything productive outside. If it's really cold out, it usually means that it's somewhat cold in the dorm rooms. If it is cold in my room I refuse to get up, and leave the warmth of my bed. Some nights we will leave the window open just because the dorms get so hot, but I always end up closing it sometime in the night. To bear the bitter tundra, I would usually put on a stocking cap and gloves, so i don't get frost bitten, which happened already. I try to stay away from my car, because when it's cold, parts are more likely to break, and it take a long time to warm up. On cold days there is one thing that I like to do outside, and that is skate. All of my life I have played hockey, and to pass up good outdoor ice is like denying free ice cream.

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