Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Favorite Place

It's kind of hard for me think of my favorite place, because I have been to so many cool places. If I had to choose I would pick Jamaica. I was in fifth grade, and it was my first long trip away from home. I would have to admit I was a bit afraid of flying over the ocean for the first time. I went down with my immediate family accompanied by close family, and family friends. On the way down the plane ride was frightening to me, but after awhile I became used to it. The entire trip was amazing, other than the incredible sun burn I received. Down there, there were some many activities to choose from like, the watermelon eating contest, turtle races, jet skiing, goat races, and many more. A few months prior to leaving for vacation I came down with a terrible sickness, which stayed along for the entire trip. Although it was with me, I tried to ignore it and, have have fun. If I had to choose to go anywhere in the world right now, it would be back to Jamaica.

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