Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It's somewhat hard for me to single out just one song to write about, but if i had too it would be "BBQ Stain" by Tim McGraw. Over the past few years I really started to get into country music. If I could think of one reason why, I would have to look towards my friends. Back home I have different friends in different clicks. I mean there is the rock click, rap click, and the country click. And for some reason I would always find myself wanting to spend the majority of my time with my friends from the country click. I don't really know why, it must have just stuck with me. It seemed to just help keep me centered and happy. Now that I spend most of my time at college. I find there is a lot of free time, so i spend mine listening to country music.

The lyrics from "BBQ Stain" tend to remind me of all of the good times I had growing up with friends, during summer. I like how the time frame of the song relates to my certain age group, and how life tends to be. The song talks about seeing a special looking girl at a fair, but nothing seemed to come of it. Later on in life they see each other on a plane heading down to Marti gras. I like it because it ends right there, so you don't really know what happens after so it gets you thinking.

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